
Friday, 5 June 2015

Garden Inspirations: Sissinghurst Gardens

Now that British summer has arrived it's time for the great outdoors. Finally we can use our balconies, gardens, patios, pretty them up, have friends over and talk late into the night, long after the sun has dipped down the horizon and the stars are out. People in the UK are keen gardeners and though I am not one of them {sadly} I love gardens. I mean who doesn't? But I am the type who made husband buy the annual membership of National Trust and drag him every other weekend to some garden or the other.  Recently we went to Sissinghurst Castle gardens. My husband thought it was an okay garden, I loved it. Sharing some photos of garden inspirations.
That view!
And this!
Check out this space! Isn't this absolutely gorgeous? Imagine sitting here with your morning cup of tea or entertaining guests here!
Now I am no flower expert, I tried to keep a track of the names, but soon gave up!

Can't get enough of these windows and the trailing flowers!

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